My favourite pens

Pens! Pens! Pens! ...... and more pens!

We all have our favourites - of most things - but these are my favourite pens. I prefer water-based pens as they will blend, particularly with each brand's own blender. There's definitely times I like my Sharpies for their intense vibrancy, or the very opaque Posca pens, which will cover over anything. But for a more artistic approach I like the water based 'Tombows'; the Winsor Newton Pigment Markers; oh, there are quite a few others - so what I've done is create the pic below which shows them all, with info as well.

When using markers, its definitely best to use specific marker pens paper - Bristol Board. It's not a board or card, but a 250 gsm very smooth paper, which the pens - any pen - won't 'bleed' through to the other side.

Wahoo – my website is ready to be promoted!

Let the Promoting Begin!

Yes, it's finished! The shop is stocked; I've just completed the links page; a nicely laid out gallery, and everything else I wanted to include is there! It's been a lot easier process than I ever thought it would be, and that's down to Andy, of      Surrey Creative Solutions 

He couldn't have made the process easier; all my boxes were ticked, and after showing me the ropes with maintaining it - which he'd made simple with lots of behind the scenes work on his part, I am finding it very easy to keep updated, and adding stuff to. If anyone  wants / needs a website, I highly recommend him.  He's also a very friendly, personable chap, and nothing is too much trouble.

So, now I'm off to promote it .... watch this space!