The process

image imagethought I’d share the process I use for this newest art of mine….not that it’s anything special at all….(it just gives me something to write about!).  I obviously start with a pencil sketch, tho I have to be careful, as once the pen colour goes over the top, the pencil marks cannot be erased, and some colours are more transparent than others…so a bit of thinking ahead is necessary.  Coming up with the various patterns is always  quite a task, and also which colours to use…is there too much of this…not enough of that…        Then it’s filling in with the main blocks of colour, which is where I’m at with this one now.

The next stage is where the whole thing goes ‘pop’, by adding all the final details….. White marks…black lines….dots…diamonds…shading with the less vibrant pens…. It goes on. Basically  each picture is done in layers.

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