So, this is where I’m at now….

These 3 paintings are where I’m at now. Collage….collage….and more collage! Ilove it! I’ve always loved pop art and the sort of ‘dolly bird’ drawings of the 60’s and 70’s  (anyone remember Jackie magazine?!). Well I’ve always aspired to do those drawings, even back then when I was a school.  With this style of collage, I can incorporate my ‘dolly’ drawings within it, and I am hoping my signature mark will be the Big Hair, in twirly colours, in each of them.

There is a fantastic artist, Tamara Laporte, who offers online courses, on collage, which is what got me started. She really did make me totally unafraid to have a go. I’m sure I still have a long way to go, with my collage, and my other style of painting, but I will keep at it.

I have also downloaded another great artist’s  (Glyn Macey), online course. He to, uses collage, but in seascapes and other scenic views. So that will be by next step…..once I’ve mastered me dollies a bit more!

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